Digital marketing encompasses far more than just effective social media posting, keyword layering, and using paid advertising. These days, using emerging technologies can help you to make your business better – and they can help to keep you in touch with the people you want to reach most.
Here are some digital marketing trends for small businesses and more about how to use them.
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Live Chat Assistants
Live chat assistants require a sign-up with a third-party support provider or an extra member of your team available to answer inquiries – but it’s worth it. Typically, people feel more at home on websites where it feels like there’s someone just a click away.
Live chat assistants can be programmed to answer some of the most basic questions from your potential customers. In the event of a minor emergency, live chat assistants can send messages internally to team members to ensure a customer’s question is answered in a timely matter without falling into the cracks.
Read More: Good SEO Content Mean More Organic Traffic
Voice Technology
An increasing number of people access the internet through voice commands – including searches through Bing and Google. Adapting your keywords and search terms to incorporate voice technology (or making your site voice-friendly for navigation) is becoming a common digital marketing technique.
Although it sounds like technology from your favorite science fiction movie, voice technology has already shown a strong presence in our every day lives as countless text messengers use the tech already installed in today’s iPhones.
Instead of typing out every letter, use the voice command function. It can save you time which can save you cash. In contrast, avoid using slang words, speak clearly, and proofread what the system types out for you before sending. The autocorrect feature could potentially send out the wrong message.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the new frontier, and for marketing and more effective business, the uses are almost endless. AI can tell you more about your customers, assist with automatic processes (like invoicing), and even seek out more information about buying habits – all of which, of course, can boost your business.
It’s important for your business to understand 2021s advanced technology as researchers and developers continue to create new ways of expanding small businesses’ digital footprint. With Google’s new algorithm changes, smaller businesses have more to gain as long as they stay up-to-date on tech changes.
If your small business needs help expanding its digital footprint with advanced marketing techniques, Ceemi Agency is one email away. Contact us today at [email protected]